Instrument is a beautiful independent digital creative agency located in Portland, Oregon. Teams are funny, smart, collaborative and all things good!
I led strategy and wrote copy for website projects, digital/physical campaigns, videos, and direct response, including discovery, design and development phases. Clients included Emerson Collective,, Firebase, YouTube, Google.
I researched, conducted UX interviews, created the content strategy, and wrote for the Emerson Collective site. That's Laurene Powell Jobs' group. In addition, I did a good amount of art direction and client relationship building. Amazing work for a world-changing philanthropy. Loved it! Check out the Priorities Brief and Microsite Recommendation.
I also developed the content strategy for a marketing campaign aimed at developers. We built brand love through an Alternate Reality Game. You can check out that stats and the story here.
Here are just a few videos I worked on:
While I was at Instrument, I wrote this piece for the Society of Digital Agencies' annual report. I also wrote this Instrument blog entry about the New Yorker festival.